The following FAQ lists represents some of the questions asked by our valued customers over the years. The information contained in this page is the property of HAPP Australia Pty Ltd and is not to be reproduced in any form without the written permission of HAPP Australia Pty Ltd.
Pdf versions of this list are provided to HAPP customers / potential customers on request or on the HAPP online information dashboard. If you would like to talk directly to HAPP about your questions, please do not hesitate to call us on the numbers listed at WWW.HAPP.COM.AU or on the HAPP documents / advertisements you have. We do not do installations. There are a number of companies around that focus on this. We can advise of installers in your area and help coordinate pickup and installation dates. This does not imply our recommendation of any specific company over any other option. They are all separate companies to us; it is up to you which company you want to use. We have included some relatively rare installation questions in here as well if you elect to consider installing yourself, most customers have no issue.
Typical questions:
What oil do I use?
ISO grade 46 oil, Castrol Hyspin 46 or equivalent for all models except HAPP 45P and 45Pi, they use ISO grade 32.
What is the easiest way to add oil?
Use a long nose automatic transmission funnel from your auto shop. They are typically about 600mm long and fit into the filler hole nicely. If you trim the end of the funnel to match the filler hole size the oil will flow quickly.
How much oil do I need ?
10 litres of oil is required by the hoists, 20 litre drums of oil are recommended as there is not much difference in price.
How do I install anchor bolts?
Different models use different types of anchor bolts. In general our 2 post hoists use 20mm tru bolts, 4 post hoists use 16mm tru bolts. Each of these require 20 and 16mm holes to be drilled respectively. Tighten to 80Nm. If you use an equivalent / approved stud anchor it must be drilled and tightend to the manufacturers specification.
It is strongly recommended you use a quad tip masonary drill bit in a masonary drill. As a reference you can buy all the bits and drill from Bunnings warehouse for a reasonable price. The quad tip bit they supply provides a hole that will take our equivalent sized bolts.
Make sure you measure the bolts supplied with your hoist before buying the bits. You may elect to change the bolts to a suit your application. For example if you have a HAPP 25 or 90 that is not going to be moved, use our tru bolts instead of the loxon. If you have deep concrete we can supply longer tru bolts also. HAPP will be happy to exchange your bolts for others if you like.
The bolts must be a firm fit into the hole, it may require a solid firm hit with a decent hammer to drive them through, make sure you put the nut and washers on before hitting them thru, in case you mis hit and damage the thread.
Do not drill pilot holes in cement, measure the bolt size and use the appropriate bit. Some of the bolts have the size stamped on them, but they are hard to find.
Note : Do not use sleeve anchor type bolts with automotive hoists.
Floor plate hoist, what is the white connector on motor for, or my motor is wired up but will not start?
Clear floor hoists use this limit switch connector provided on the motor (the white connector), it should be disabled on other models. Whilst this is specified in the manuals, electricians can miss this. To disable the connector the wires need to be closed (joined / bridged) which then enables motor operation. Connect the two wires and pull them inside the cover, if you decide to add a limit switch, use this cable.
What are the top tips for installing my hoist?
Read the ‘pdf’ manuals that have been sent to you by HAPP when you purchased the hoist. These are the most up to date manuals and have special instructions and diagrams. Some key points in these manuals are:
The balance cables don’t fit, one side seems shorter than the other ?
Typically the cause of this is that the cables are not routed correctly. Check the pulleys and cables to locate where the cable may not be fitted correctly.
The fittings on the pump assembly are loose.
Pumps are used across different hoist models. If the fittings on the pump control block are left loose, tighten these fittings till firm.
The hose does not reach the fitting on the pump assembly.
As pumps are fitted to different models the hose fitting can be on the wrong side. The hose fitting can be located on either side of the pump assembly. To swap the sides, swap the hose outlet with the plug outlet on the opposite side.
The hose fitting supplied is different to the one on the pump assembly.
As pumps are used on different models the fittings can be different. In these cases the fitting is supplied in the parts supplied with the hoist, remove the black fitting on the pump assembly and replace with the fitting supplied in the parts.
My carriage won’t come down when I first lift the hoist?
This is quite rare but is possible and can be due to the following:
• Hoist carriage (nylon bushes) are tight in column
Make sure the carriage is lubricated with grease, place some extra weight on the arms to allow them to lower. They will bed in quickly.
• Hoist carriage is sitting on safety lock
Lift the carriages and release the safety lock, then lower again
• Oil bleed valve needs adjustment
This typically only occurs when customers have not used the correct hydraulic oil grade which can be resolved by adjusting the bleed valve.
The bleed valve may be seated too close to the control block assembly.
The bleed valve is located on the control block of the pump assembly, it has an allen key with a locking nut. Note the position of the lock. Rotate the lock nut to allow it to move out and retry. Another possible but unlikely cause can be some blockage in the valve from an object in the hose during installation, in this case remove the valve, clean and reload the valve.